sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014

Translucent Mineral Veil

I’m super excited to share this recipe with you guys—I devised this because sometimes you just want something light for your skin. You’re going out for the evening and you want a bit of a finish, but nothing that’s going to add any weight to your night. This translucent powder is perfect for that. It adds a bit of real life airbrushing without adding anything else. Brilliant

translucent mineral veil (reallife airbrushing powder)

2 tbsp cornstarch (or arrowroot or wheat starch)
2 tbsp sericite mica
1 tsp silk peptide
1 tsp zeolite clay (or kaolin)
¼ tsp magnesium stearate
20 drops jojoba oil

Red, yellow, and brown oxides; as needed

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